In-Sewer Wireless Alarm System
The wireless Mission SCADA system can also work below ground in a sewer system to detect and report sewer surcharges and floods. Use the Mission MyLevel to provide a waterproof CSO/SSO tracking and alarm system that mounts in a sewer just below the manhole lid. The enclosure houses all electronics, radio, and battery—yet is only about the size of a paperback book.
The MyLevel is available with an ultrasonic level sensor and a single float (MyLevel-L) to deliver level readings and alarms or with two floats (MyLevel-F) to signal when the sewer is surcharging and when levels reach a flood stage. Both MyLevel models will instantly transmit these alarms via the ultra-reliable cellular network to Mission servers. Emails, text messages, voice calls, or pages notify utility personnel of the alarm.
A clear message will describe the alarm, the unit name, and the location. This gives utility crews time to proactively mitigate the problem. All alarm records can be accessed through the secure customer website 123SCADA. Now users can easily report when the surcharge started and stopped.