Mission Communications

SCADA Made Simple

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The MISSION website is viewable using today's most common web browsers.  For best performance, some features (such as animated maps and zoomable charts) require freely available plug-ins. 


MISSION Browser Enhancement Links

MISSION uses several browser-enhancement packages in order to bring you the highest quality and least expensive notifications. Many of these packages are probably already loaded onto your computer. If they are not already installed, they can be downloaded from their manufacturers' sites. We have created a test page so you can check to verify that they are installed properly.

Adobe Manuals and case studies have been saved in PDF-format documents. You can download the free viewer from Adobe Systems.
Java Although you will be able to view and control the web site without it, Java is required to view the graphs of pump run times, pump starts and rainfall.
MISSION's latest desktop mapping display page requires Macromedia Flash version 7.0 or higher.
Microsoft Agent shows an animated character on the desktop when events, such as site accesses or an alarm conditions, take place. It will do this even if the main web page is minimized. With the text-to-speech software package installed, it will speak a message out the PC's speakers as well.
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